Dear Prosepective IFM Investor,
Welcome to our investor portal for Intelligent Fund Management, LLC. This page contains all the information we have about IFM and an investment in the company. I strongly suggest you watch the video under IFM Intitiative. If you have any questions, please email me.
Ed Downs
Welcome to IFM.
At Intelligent Fund Management, LLC our motto is "Returns Matter" because we believe they do. And we think a significant number of investors will agree with us.
On this page you will be able to:
- Become educated about the IFM Initiative
- Understand the investment in IFM through the PPM
- Learn how to invest in this early round.
Because Returns Matter
About the IFM Initiative
Intelligent Fund Management, LLC was founded in March 2016 to pursue a NEW kind of "Robo Advisor" - one based on RETURNS rather than low fees. Not to say that low fees aren't good. But we think investors would prefer to make more money, and if they do, higher fees aren't a problem.
The problem with Registered Investment Advisors and the new breed of Robo Advisors, is their returns are generally low compared to the market. The reason is simple: They use an antiquated model called "Modern Portfolio Theory" which tends to water down returns without an equivalent reduction in risk.
Watch the Video!
To learn about the project, watch this video by Ed Downs,
with special guest Larrie Cable.
- HTML (chapter) version - Select topics in the webinar
you want to learn about. - MP4 (mobile) version - Any phone or tablet.
- PPT (powerpoint) - The slides from the presentation.

Larrie Gene Cable
Who is Larrie Cable?
Larrie is a 30-year military veteran who served as a venture capitalist for a major corporation after his military service. He was searching for the best possible way to invest his family's money when he selected OmniFunds as the BEST way to invest - better than hedge funds, better than Robo Advisors. Listen to Larrie in the video and you will see how important and unique this project is. Thank you, Larrie.
The Private Placement Memorandum
Reading the PPM
We use a company called Regulation D Resources to host our 506 (c) Private Placement Memorandum. Their site manages initial interest and the various stages of investment.
Go to https://offering.myomnifunds.com and Register on the site.
We will approve you, after which you can read the entire PPM. Any investment decision must be based solely on the information contained in the PPM.
The next step is to Upgrade your status as "Investor" on the site, and proceed to follow the Investing Process described below...
The Investing Process
Investor Interest Survey
We ask each investor to fill out our Investor Interest Survey to help us understand where we are in the raise, but this is optional.
DocuSign - The easy way to submit your docs.
Rather than have each investor download the PPM, print it, and sign all the required places, we have streamlined the process using DocuSign. Just fill out the Survey (see link below) and we will take care of the rest.
There are several kinds of investors we support:
- Individual Investors
- Individual Investors investing with IRAs
- Trusts
- Partnerships & Corporations
The Docusign Contact Survey will tell us who needs to sign the document based on the entity you are investing with. Once we have that information we will initiate an email process using DocuSign.
(optional) Take the Investor Interest Survey to indicate your target investment range and/or ask questions.
Take the DocuSign Contact Survey
to indicate those who will need to sign the Subscription Agreement, after which you will receive a customized Docusign document via email.

How to Fund...
Once the DocuSign has been completed, you will receive an email with funding information (company address, routing number, bank account, etc.) This information is also on the IFM Reg D Resources site.
Staying Informed
Investor Blog by Ed Downs
IFM is working to get the platform launched and into the market in Q4 of 2018. When you invest, you will be given access to the IFM Investor Blog, where I provide news and insights into the project.
I also email investors when updates are made to the blog.
Thank you for investing in IFM - the future of automated fund management. We believe Returns Matter. If the investing public agrees with us, this company's growth could surprise everyone.

IFM Investor Blog